[Naked Loan] ❤️30 件の Naked Loan の最新リーク コレクション、基本的にすべて 2000 年代以降です!

【裸贷】❤️最新流出裸贷30部合集 基本都是00后!

[Naked Loan] ❤️30 件の Naked Loan の最新リーク コレクション、基本的にすべて 2000 年代以降です!

本期裸贷30位,各种乱七八糟的理由借钱 嫌自己胸太小借钱隆胸无力还款最后肉偿还要被逼迫还款恐吓 年龄偏小 长得都挺漂亮,好位00后小姐姐,跟国内裸贷差不多的方法,利息比国内要低,他们要求借款人提供当前住宿、手机号码、Facebook账户、Zalo、身份证件和照片、拍摄借款人的裸体自慰视频。
如果借款人延迟付款,将受到罚款。如果客户延迟付款 3-4 天,将被处以 1 天的贷款金额罚款,如果延迟超过 10 天,则从零开始关闭;对于滞纳金,如果延迟支付1天,将被处以贷款金额的1%的罚款。
当借款人到期时,没有支付利息和本金,他们会打电话威胁,如果还没有还款或逃避不还款,他们发短信辱骂,并将借款人的裸体照片发布到社交网络上,发送给朋友, 他们的亲属为了精神上威胁、恐吓、强迫借款人不惜一切代价赚钱来还款,实在没钱还的还可以选择肉偿!

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【Naked Loan】❤️The latest leaked collection of 30 naked loans, most of them are born after 2000!

[Naked Loan] ❤️30 件の Naked Loan の最新リーク コレクション、基本的にすべて 2000 年代以降です!

30 nude loan borrowers in this issue, all kinds of messy reasons to borrow money.
They think their breasts are too small and borrow money for breast augmentation.
They can't repay the loan. In the end, they have to pay back with their flesh.
They are forced to repay the loan and threatened. They are young and pretty.
They are all born in the 2000s.
The method is similar to that of domestic nude loans, but the interest rate is lower than that in China.
They require borrowers to provide current accommodation, mobile phone number, Facebook account, Zalo, ID card and photos, and shoot naked masturbation videos of borrowers.
Then, a younger brother will be sent to the residential address provided by the borrower for verification. When the borrower meets the conditions, the loan will be obtained by directly delivering funds or transferring to a bank account.
The loan interest rate is about 1%/day, and the loan interest rate is about 30% per month.
The borrower pays a service fee of 5%-10% of the loan amount, which is collected 2 days in advance, provided that the borrower must pledge nude photos.
If the borrower delays payment, he will be fined.
If the customer delays payment for 3-4 days, a penalty of 1 day's loan amount will be imposed, and if the delay exceeds 10 days, it will be closed from zero; for late payment, if the payment is delayed for 1 day, a penalty of 1% of the loan amount will be imposed.
When the borrower is due, and the interest and principal are not paid, they will call to threaten, and if they have not paid back or evaded repayment, they will send text messages to insult, and post the borrower's nude photos on social networks, send them to friends, their relatives in order to mentally threaten, intimidate, and force the borrower to make money at all costs to repay the loan, and those who really have no money to repay can choose to pay with their bodies!

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[Naked Loan] ❤️30 件の Naked Loan の最新リーク コレクション、基本的にすべて 2000 年代以降です!

[Naked Loan] ❤️30 件の Naked Loan の最新リーク コレクション、基本的にすべて 2000 年代以降です!

この号には、胸が小さすぎるという理由でお金を借りた女性が 30 人登場します。若すぎるという理由で脅迫されたのだ。なんと2000年代以降の女性だ。 、携帯電話番号、Facebookアカウント、Zalo、身分証明書と写真、そして借り手の全裸オナニービデオを撮影します。



借り手は支払いが遅れた場合、罰則の対象となります。顧客の支払いが 3 ~ 4 日遅れた場合、融資金額の 1 日分のペナルティが課され、10 日を超えた場合は、支払いが遅れた場合、遅延損害金がゼロからクローズされます。

1日、融資額の1%のペナルティが課せられます。 借り手が利息や元金を期限までに支払わないと、返済しなかったり返済を回避したりすると電話して脅迫したり、暴言を吐くテキストメッセージを送ったり、借り手のヌード写真をソーシャルネットワークに投稿して友人向けに送信したりする。親族は心理的に脅し、脅迫し、ローンを返済するために何が何でもお金を稼ぐよう強要します。


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